• Another Thing....

    From Ed Vance to Mike Powell on Thu Apr 11 12:41:54 2024
    Mike, CCO BBS showed I had 3 messages.
    I don't know if it is Old Age or something else but I can't find the post from the fellow who's users name is his Call Sign, N2??? .
    If I don't read a post that CCO tells me about, will the BBS tell me again the next time that I sign in?
    Thanks (Again), Ed
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Fri Apr 12 10:28:00 2024
    Mike, CCO BBS showed I had 3 messages.
    I don't know if it is Old Age or something else but I can't find the post from
    the fellow who's users name is his Call Sign, N2??? .
    If I don't read a post that CCO tells me about, will the BBS tell me again the
    next time that I sign in?

    I honestly am not sure because I don't use the web interface much but, no,
    I don't think it will tell you again. I assume you are talking about email
    or netmail? If so, you should be able to go to that "Mail" link and read
    it, so long as you didn't delete it.


    * SLMR 2.1a * "Get out & take your Sacagawea dollars with you!" - Moe
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Tue Apr 16 10:46:12 2024
    Is there a BBS Help page I can read?
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Wed Apr 17 08:54:00 2024
    Is there a BBS Help page I can read?

    The web interface does not appear to have a help page included.

    There is wiki.synchro.net. I think most of the help on there is geared
    towards sysops, though, but there might be some info on there that is
    helpful to web interface users.

    One other thing you can try... I have another web interface at classic.capitolcityonline.net. It is the older Synchronet interface. I am
    not sure if you would find it easier to use or not but you are free to try
    it out.


    * SLMR 2.1a * "Excellent...excellent..." - Mr. Burns
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Fri Apr 19 20:08:09 2024
    Yesterday I tapped on the Home page and read some Help text I found there. Surprised Me that the Home page is interactive.

    One more thought, is there an option You can select when I'm notified about New Messages to Me that the Thread Name be also given as well as the Echo the message is at?

    YEP!, I am always thinking up questions.
    Just wondering if the html page could give me the same experience that I see in the FTP/DOS in MultiMail view.

    There are so many threads that I have written in and I can't remember where I wrote what.

    I know You are shaking Your Head now

  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Sat Apr 20 10:53:00 2024
    One more thought, is there an option You can select when I'm notified about New Messages to Me that the Thread Name be also given as well as the Echo the message is at?

    Not that I am aware of. I think there is an icon that shows up on the echo list page that tells you if you have mail waiting in that echo. Since I
    just downloaded this QWK packet all my mail was marked received so I cannot
    see it or tell for sure now. ;)

    YEP!, I am always thinking up questions.
    Just wondering if the html page could give me the same experience that I see in the FTP/DOS in MultiMail view.

    Probably not. I find the web page to be lacking in those regards.


    * SLMR 2.1a * "¡Beavis! ¿Donde esta su hall pass?"
  • From Dumas Walker to Ed Vance on Fri Apr 26 18:31:55 2024
    Did you ever get a chance to try

    http://classic.capitolcityonline.net ?

    If so, did you find that ti worked better/worse than the other interface?

  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Fri Apr 26 19:50:16 2024
    Never tried it.
    I have used the capcity2.synchro.net .
    I will take a tryout of that classic URL .

    What I did when finding out about the interactive feature of the Home page is I tapped the Menu button on the left and that started the process.
    Iirc there is some "help" there.

    Your log. will tell on Me.

  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Fri Apr 26 19:53:14 2024
    I forgot to log off .
    But I tapped the URL and the page opened.
    I will look some more later because I just got asked to dry the dishes.
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Sat Apr 27 09:27:00 2024
    I forgot to log off .
    But I tapped the URL and the page opened.
    I will look some more later because I just got asked to dry the dishes.

    The "classic" interface does not have a log off button. It will usually
    log you off if you close your browser.


    * SLMR 2.1a * The backup's not over 'til the FAT table sings.
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sat Apr 27 13:00:04 2024
    These cellphones are WONDERFUL.
    I was entering a long winded message, and somehow touched something and ZAP!
    I was on the Home page.
    I will try again writing my thoughts.
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sat Apr 27 13:03:54 2024
    I was going to ask about not seeing a way to Log out on the Classic page, thanks for answering before I could ask.
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sat Apr 27 13:43:42 2024
    The long winded thing I was going to write about is that I saw on old messages on the XP box there was a Louisville Dial-up BBS and I had been thinking about looking at it when I still had the landline here.

    Still was going to make CCO the BBS I use, just wanted to have a look-see.
    I can't remember the name of the BBS ,and I'm not close to the note the name is written on.
    I can still look at it since it has a URL.

    In the 80's when I was using the C=64 I often liked to look at BBS's .
    There was Apple and other C= BBS'S, I think one was Atari.
    I wanted to see what Tom Currie's IBM BBS was about so I joined it, later joined Janis Kracht's >>PRISM BBS and saw You and Daryl were on FIDO as well as GT Power while I was logged on her BBS.

    I really enjoy CCO having MANY MANY Networks to read.


    Before having this phone I spent hours reading and writing offline, now I am doing that online.
    Glad there are three other ports that Others can use while I am logged on.
    I always been long winded, You Know That!

    One time I used the free trial at DISK
    While I was exploring their BBS I saw a pop up from someone who started chatting with me
    I never had that experience before and got scared and logged off.
    All my previous BBS experience was in My Own Little World, what happened on DISK blew my mind!

    Thanks again for telling me about Classic , I will keep using this one on the phone.
    (Until I figure out how to interface XP w/ this thing)
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Sun Apr 28 15:37:00 2024
    The long winded thing I was going to write about is that I saw on old messages >on the XP box there was a Louisville Dial-up BBS and I had been thinking about >looking at it when I still had the landline here.

    Still was going to make CCO the BBS I use, just wanted to have a look-see.
    I can't remember the name of the BBS ,and I'm not close to the note the name is
    written on.
    I can still look at it since it has a URL.

    Unfortunately, I am not aware of one or I might be able to tell you which
    one it was.

    In the 80's when I was using the C=64 I often liked to look at BBS's .
    There was Apple and other C= BBS'S, I think one was Atari.

    Yeah, I remember a lot of boards used to be in Louisville back in the day.
    The Operating Room was a popular one that ran on Apple. There were some
    small BBSes that would spin-up and then disappear, but that was the first
    real popular BBS I can remember that shut down. I forget if he was moving
    or what... that happened while BBSes were still popular.

    I remember several C= BBSes, but don't remember any of their names offhand.

    I wanted to see what Tom Currie's IBM BBS was about so I joined it, later joined Janis Kracht's >>PRISM BBS and saw You and Daryl were on FIDO as well a
    GT Power while I was logged on her BBS.

    Tom's BBS and Terry McFall's The Help Line were two that I frequented quite often. There was also the Deckmann's Exchange, the Valley PC Clone, the Louisville Free Public Library, and the Hard Warehouse (they sold us our
    first XT machine).

    Not sure but PRISM may have come along after I moved out of the area. She
    was my first fido hub. I don't rememeber ever trying out DISK, but I was a member of GEnie for a while.

    I really enjoy CCO having MANY MANY Networks to read.


    You're welcome.

    Before having this phone I spent hours reading and writing offline, now I am doing that online.
    Glad there are three other ports that Others can use while I am logged on.
    I always been long winded, You Know That!

    I prefer to use an offline reader, too. I am not sure but I *think* that
    the web interface allows more than 4 users at once. I do know that, when someone is logged into the web, they are not taking up one of the 4 nodes.

    Thanks again for telling me about Classic , I will keep using this one on the phone.
    (Until I figure out how to interface XP w/ this thing)

    You are free to use either one you want. I thought the classic one might
    be a little easier to use. It doesn't tell you if there are new echo
    messages but it does at least show them in order so I can find my last post
    and then pick up reading from there.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sun Apr 28 21:20:30 2024

    I now remember Tom's board was The Volunteer.
    Not heard of The Help Line or Valley PC Clone BBS'S.

    Don't think I ever was on Deckmanns Exchange, but do recall Dennis married one of his Users back then.

    I remember hearing about LFPL BBS, logged on once, it was part of FIDO Net. Back then I never heard of FIDO, so I never logged on it again.

    After You moved away I began using PRISM BBS and became involved in the QUIKBASIC echo , it was a FIDO echo iirc.

    Is QUIKBASIC echo still available?
    Learned much while on there although the BASIC I used on the 486 wasn't the High Price Spread some of the others were using.
    I used the DOS 5.0 BASIC included w/ the BASIC 5.0 floppys the builder gave me. I didn't know Hardware House had a BBS.
    I have been to their Store to look at their goods.
    But from what I read in Computer Shoppers Magazine I wasn't interested it getting a PC from them.
    A lady at Church worked with a man who built PC's and gave his phone number to me.
    I specified a few things I wanted and he used those and a Shuttle 409 motherboard.
    I had asked for a 10 bay case but he suggested one with 6 bays that he had been using earlier when he worked for a PC company in Oklahoma.
    I still have the 486 and have only used 4 of those 6 slots in the front panel. Ain't turned it on in years, but it's mine.

    Never was on Genie.
    I learned from another Ham COMPUSERVE had a free dial up number.
    Tried looking at Commodore topics while on it.
    Decided I didn't want to Pay them so stayed on local BBS'S.
    SameO for AOL and Progidy.
    I remember the Progidy CD had some extra software on it.
    C minus minus was the name of a program I tried learning a bit about C.
    I am not a C programmer, BASIC I'm familiar with, and I have written some BAT files, and of course the FTP Script/BAT file I used for GET & PUT QWK Packets with CCO.

    You mentioned the Classic Board keeps a marker for last message Read.

    I noticed QWK is available on that board, but I have no idea what or how to use in with a Android phone.

    Still back peddling with ideas to use the phones Data Connection.
    Long ago in my Searching for a Bluetooth device w/ CAT5 Connector I remember seeing one that now I would want to use but can't find it again.
    It either at Best Buy or Wal-Mart I think I saw it, but every Search I have made recently never shows the device I remember seeing.

    Really I'm not in a hurry to grab one, I will wait and see if I see what I remembered seeing .
    Then I'LL GRAB IT!!!!!!!!!
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sun Apr 28 21:29:34 2024
    Oh!, the BBS I was thinking of is Allen Prunty's LiveWireBBS .

    Today I searched on DuckDuckGo several ways but it never shows a URL for LiveWireBBS.com .
    When I tap in LiveWireBBS.com or even put www in front of the Address in Firefox DDG takes over and shows me links to pages on other BBS's but never is there any result shown for LiveWireBBS.com .


  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Mon Apr 29 08:21:00 2024
    Is QUIKBASIC echo still available?

    It does not appear to be. Most all of the language-specific programming echoes eventually went dead. There are still a few (that are mostly empty) and
    some general programming echoes.

    I used the DOS 5.0 BASIC included w/ the BASIC 5.0 floppys the builder gave me

    I remember that BASIC. IIRC, in some distributions it was called GWBASIC.

    I didn't know Hardware House had a BBS.
    I have been to their Store to look at their goods.

    They did for at least a while. I think it went offline long before their
    store closed (at least, I think it closed... maybe I just moved away and
    quit going!).

    You mentioned the Classic Board keeps a marker for last message Read.

    No it doesn't but I am usually able to figure out where I left off by
    finding my last post because the posts are in order and not grouped by

    I noticed QWK is available on that board, but I have no idea what or how to us
    in with a Android phone.

    It actually doesn't work any more. That interface dates back to when web browsers would let you click FTP links, so it doesn't work with many
    browsers any more. Also, when it did work, you could download a QWK packet
    but there was no way to upload a REP packet... you had to use the FTP
    interface or log onto the board to upload.

    Still back peddling with ideas to use the phones Data Connection.
    Long ago in my Searching for a Bluetooth device w/ CAT5 Connector I remember seeing one that now I would want to use but can't find it again.
    It either at Best Buy or Wal-Mart I think I saw it, but every Search I have made recently never shows the device I remember seeing.

    I have never looked into those so I am not sure how they work.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Sir! Romulan Warbird decloaking off th #%NO CARRIER
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Mon Apr 29 08:25:00 2024
    Oh!, the BBS I was thinking of is Allen Prunty's LiveWireBBS .

    Today I searched on DuckDuckGo several ways but it never shows a URL for LiveWireBBS.com .
    When I tap in LiveWireBBS.com or even put www in front of the Address in Firefox DDG takes over and shows me links to pages on other BBS's but never is
    there any result shown for LiveWireBBS.com .


    Oh yeah. His board went down a long while back and he never brought it
    back up that I am aware of. Back in the day, he used to run a GT Power BBS
    and had a node on that network.


    * SLMR 2.1a * EBCDIC: Erase Backup Chew Disk Ignite Cards
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Mon Apr 29 10:41:49 2024
    I have used computers at work that had GWBASIC.
    My "mind" says GWBASIC needs line numbers and can't run code written for the later BASICS that don't need line numbers.

    I tried to learn coding without line numbers, it looks nicer, kinda like Batch File code, but I am so used to using GOTO & GOSUB that I stuck puting line numbers in things I wrote.
    I know enuf to make me dangerous.
  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Mon Apr 29 10:53:22 2024
    EBCDIC, I haven't seen that term for years.
    Does the department You work at still use that Code?

    Thanks for the update about Allen.

    Shows that 2Years away from being on a BBS , and reading old messages gave .me a mindset that is incorrect.

    Yesterday while searching One Site having BBS listings showed Allen's. BBS phone number.
    Until You let me know today it's inactive, I thought it was up.
  • From Dumas Walker to ED VANCE on Tue Apr 30 09:04:00 2024
    EBCDIC, I haven't seen that term for years.
    Does the department You work at still use that Code?

    Technically, but I really don't see EBCDIC much any more. I still see
    plenty of COBOL code but rarely have to look at anything in HEX. If I ever
    do I have a translation card so I know what symbol/letter/number I am
    looking at. :D

    Yesterday while searching One Site having BBS listings showed Allen's. BBS phone number.
    Until You let me know today it's inactive, I thought it was up.

    Well, it is possible it is still up, but I know he has not been on FIDO
    network in a number of years. He could be like Daryl Stout and be running
    his BBS without any message networks.

    BTW, you may not be reading the Main message area but I responded to our discussion about BASIC there.


    * SLMR 2.1a * How do they get Teflon to stick to the pans?
  • From Dumas Walker to Ed Vance on Sun May 19 09:04:55 2024

    Mike, CCO BBS showed I had 3 messages.
    I don't know if it is Old Age or something else but I can't find the post from the fellow who's users name is his Call Sign, N2??? .
    If I don't read a post that CCO tells me about, will the BBS tell me again the next time that I sign in?
    Thanks (Again), Ed

    This is a test. Looks like on the web interface, there is a Quote button.
    Once you click the reply to this message button, and the Reply window opens, there are two buttons under it. One (in gray) says "Quote" and the other (blue) says "Submit". If you click the Quote button before you start typing your reply, it will quote the previous message into the Reply window.

  • From Ed Vance to Dumas Walker on Sun May 19 21:46:51 2024

    This is a test. Looks like on the web interface, there is a Quote button. Once you click the reply to this message button, and the Reply window opens, there are two buttons under it. One (in gray) says "Quote" and the other (blue) says "Submit". If you click the Quote button before you start typing your reply, it will quote the previous message into the Reply window.


    Thanks, it works.
    A few minutes ago as I was writing a post , all of a sudden I was at the Home Page.
    I have no idea what happened, the TV is on and Google Assistant was set up for voice when I got this phone.
    All I could think of was sign out and sign in again.
    Tonight wasn't fun when that happened.
    Guess I won't use this phone when the TV is playing