Mike, CCO BBS showed I had 3 messages.
I don't know if it is Old Age or something else but I can't find the post from
the fellow who's users name is his Call Sign, N2??? .
If I don't read a post that CCO tells me about, will the BBS tell me again the
next time that I sign in?
Is there a BBS Help page I can read?
One more thought, is there an option You can select when I'm notified about New Messages to Me that the Thread Name be also given as well as the Echo the message is at?
YEP!, I am always thinking up questions.
Just wondering if the html page could give me the same experience that I see in the FTP/DOS in MultiMail view.
I forgot to log off .
But I tapped the URL and the page opened.
I will look some more later because I just got asked to dry the dishes.
The long winded thing I was going to write about is that I saw on old messages >on the XP box there was a Louisville Dial-up BBS and I had been thinking about >looking at it when I still had the landline here.
Still was going to make CCO the BBS I use, just wanted to have a look-see.
I can't remember the name of the BBS ,and I'm not close to the note the name is
written on.
I can still look at it since it has a URL.
In the 80's when I was using the C=64 I often liked to look at BBS's .
There was Apple and other C= BBS'S, I think one was Atari.
I wanted to see what Tom Currie's IBM BBS was about so I joined it, later joined Janis Kracht's >>PRISM BBS and saw You and Daryl were on FIDO as well a
GT Power while I was logged on her BBS.
I really enjoy CCO having MANY MANY Networks to read.
Before having this phone I spent hours reading and writing offline, now I am doing that online.
Glad there are three other ports that Others can use while I am logged on.
I always been long winded, You Know That!
Thanks again for telling me about Classic , I will keep using this one on the phone.
(Until I figure out how to interface XP w/ this thing)
Is QUIKBASIC echo still available?
I used the DOS 5.0 BASIC included w/ the BASIC 5.0 floppys the builder gave me
I didn't know Hardware House had a BBS.
I have been to their Store to look at their goods.
You mentioned the Classic Board keeps a marker for last message Read.
I noticed QWK is available on that board, but I have no idea what or how to us
in with a Android phone.
Still back peddling with ideas to use the phones Data Connection.
Long ago in my Searching for a Bluetooth device w/ CAT5 Connector I remember seeing one that now I would want to use but can't find it again.
It either at Best Buy or Wal-Mart I think I saw it, but every Search I have made recently never shows the device I remember seeing.
Oh!, the BBS I was thinking of is Allen Prunty's LiveWireBBS .
Today I searched on DuckDuckGo several ways but it never shows a URL for LiveWireBBS.com .
When I tap in LiveWireBBS.com or even put www in front of the Address in Firefox DDG takes over and shows me links to pages on other BBS's but never is
there any result shown for LiveWireBBS.com .
EBCDIC, I haven't seen that term for years.
Does the department You work at still use that Code?
Yesterday while searching One Site having BBS listings showed Allen's. BBS phone number.
Until You let me know today it's inactive, I thought it was up.
Mike, CCO BBS showed I had 3 messages.
I don't know if it is Old Age or something else but I can't find the post from the fellow who's users name is his Call Sign, N2??? .
If I don't read a post that CCO tells me about, will the BBS tell me again the next time that I sign in?
Thanks (Again), Ed
This is a test. Looks like on the web interface, there is a Quote button. Once you click the reply to this message button, and the Reply window opens, there are two buttons under it. One (in gray) says "Quote" and the other (blue) says "Submit". If you click the Quote button before you start typing your reply, it will quote the previous message into the Reply window.
Sysop: | Mike Powell |
Location: | Kentucky, USA |
Users: | 51 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 58:34:07 |
Calls: | 4,133 |
Calls today: | 1 |
Files: | 27,908 |
Messages: | 164,881 |
Posted today: | 41 |