From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to ALL on Sun Oct 24 16:07:00 2004

    Just a note for the United States GT Power BBS's:

    Daylight Savings Time ENDS at 2am local time, this coming Sunday, Oct.
    31 (this is not a trick-or-treat joke <g>)...except for Arizona and Indiana...who are on Standard Time year round.

    AFTER your netmail connects are completed the morning of Oct. 31, then

    Outside the BBS, set your clocks back one hour before going to bed
    Satruday night, Oct. 30. Otherwise, you'll be an hour EARLY to church
    Sunday, or to work Monday.

    * OLX 1.53 * This message from Arkansas' GT Power and FIDO BBS hub.
    * PDQWK 2.52 #5

    Route: 35/5m0 10/22
    .ORIGIN: 035/005 - The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas (501) 221-1599

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (7:10/22.0)

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Sat Oct 30 13:48:00 2004

    Daylight Savings Time ENDS at 2am local time, this coming Sunday, Oct.
    31 (this is not a trick-or-treat joke <g>)...except for Arizona and Indiana...who are on Standard Time year round.

    As is Hawaii. ;-)

    Thanks for the reminder!

    # SLMR 2.1a # How can I escape this irresistable grasp?

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (7:10/22.0)

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to MIKE POWELL on Wed Nov 3 14:54:00 2004

    Daylight Savings Time ENDS at 2am local time, this coming Sunday, Oct.
    >> 31 (this is not a trick-or-treat joke <g>)...except for Arizona and
    >> Indiana...who are on Standard Time year round.

    As is Hawaii. ;-)

    Thanks for the reminder!

    I wish they'd decide on one "time", and leave it there...just like
    Arizona, portions of Indiana...and as you noted, Hawaii.

    * OLX 1.53 * MS Windows: Insert wallet, and press any key to empty.
    * PDQWK 2.52 #5

    Route: 35/5th0 10/22
    .ORIGIN: 035/005 - The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas (501) 221-1599

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (7:10/22.0)

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Thu Nov 4 20:16:00 2004

    # I wish they'd decide on one "time", and leave it there...just like
    # Arizona, portions of Indiana...and as you noted, Hawaii.

    I do, too. I don't see any benefit in shifting to DST. Ironically,
    many in Indiana want to jump on the band wagon now, and get away from
    being on Standard Time all year around. I think they are nuts. ;-)


    ##MMR 2.61#. !link DS 11-03-04 14:54

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (7:10/22.0)

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to MIKE POWELL on Thu Jul 3 19:57:00 2008
    I do, too. I don't see any benefit in shifting to DST. Ironically,
    many in Indiana want to jump on the band wagon now, and get away from
    being on Standard Time all year around. I think they are nuts. ;-)

    I heard something that in the next few years, that they were going to make
    it one time deal (Daylight or Standard) year round...do you know anything
    of that, or is that another rumor?
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Wed Jul 9 16:54:00 2008
    │ I heard something that in the next few years, that they were going to make
    │ it one time deal (Daylight or Standard) year round...do you know anything
    │ of that, or is that another rumor?

    If they do, it will no doubt be DST, which will be horrible. They've
    changed so much of the year to be DST now, I would really doubt they'd fall back to Standard, although that'd make far more sense as it'd save more
    energy in this era of air conditioning.


    ##MMR 2.61ß. !link DS 7-03-08 20:57
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to MIKE POWELL on Wed Jul 9 17:11:00 2008
    If they do, it will no doubt be DST, which will be horrible. They've
    changed so much of the year to be DST now, I would really doubt they'd fall back to Standard, although that'd make far more sense as it'd save more energy in this era of air conditioning.

    Like the old saying, you can't please everybody. I just wish they would settle on one or the other...such as the UTC time (GMT) does, staying the
    same year round...as that is what the data in the Weather echo is in, and
    it's what the ham radio operators submit their logs in. Of course, with
    the sending of BBS netmail and echomail packets now via the Internet, such
    as with Internet Rex, one really does not have to worry about observing
    the FIDONet Zone Mail Hour anymore...at least that's what it appears to
    me. Now, with Tom Watt's redevelopment of GT (even though it'll take time
    to implement) exchange of those bags would probably also be done via
    Internet Rex. The only time my system is down is for the nightly door and
    other system maintenence, and if we have thunderstorms. I know you run
    several events over here, as there have been times I've logged on, and
    been told of the upcoming events, resulting in a shorter
    session...although I spend very little time on other BBS's but my own.
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Thu Jul 10 17:20:00 2008
    │ other system maintenence, and if we have thunderstorms. I know you run
    │ several events over here, as there have been times I've logged on, and
    │ been told of the upcoming events, resulting in a shorter
    │ session...although I spend very little time on other BBS's but my own. └─[DS=>MP]

    I've actually cut down on the number of events. There is the nightly maintenance around 1AM local, and two mail processing events... one around 6:15am, and the other around 5:30pm.


    ##MMR 2.61ß. !link DS 7-09-08 18:11
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx