• GT 20 As A Terminal Pgm

    From Daryl Stout@TBOLT to MIKE POWELL on Thu Jul 23 23:40:00 2020

    Well, I wasn't sure if you could put the telnet address into the directory or not.

    You can if it is short enough. If there is an alternate port, you have
    to include that in the form of <telnet address><SPACE><port>. No

    So, if I wanted to use it on my BBS, I'd enter tbolt.synchro.net 23 -- correct??

    If it is too long for the dialing directory entry, I don't think you
    can add it there, but you might be able to manually type in the
    ATDT <telnet address> on the console screen to get it to connect.

    I would've preferred something longer, but that's what my QWK ID is.

    The dialing directory entry is pretty long.

    Well, I remember adding all the other goodies, like logon name and
    password for the macro. But, one time, it proved to be my undoing on

    The BBS was still at my parents home, and I was still living there
    at the time, but moved out before I got married...then moved back here
    about a year before my Mom died last August.

    Anyway, I was so used to doing a local logon at the console, to logon
    to the BBS via GT Power, and I went through the sequence...and hit a
    function key that I had set up as a macro, to log me on.

    Well, I wasn't thinking, as I was visiting the apartment of my girl
    friend at the time (she eventually became a user, then my Co-Sysop, then
    my wife (we were "Married With Modem" <G>)). I went to logon, and had it
    dial in (I was still on dial-up at the time). Anyway, I got to the logon prompt, hit the macro, as usual.

    Nothing happened.

    I couldn't figure out what was going on...then it hit me like a bolt
    of lightning.

    "You're not at the host console. You don't know your password. You can't logon to your own BBS"!! <BLUSH!!>. I felt so stupid!!

    I might have to try RipTel instead, to view the RIP Graphics. But, TeleGraphix, who pioneered RIP Graphics, went out of business years
    ago. The same fate happened to Quarterdeck, who did DESQview and QEMM.
    I ran those under GT 15 and DOS 5.0 25 years ago.

    Desqview was the bomb. Nothing I have used since then was as good. If there was no such thing as internet conectivity I would likely still be using DV on top of DOS.

    Same here. I remember optimizing the memory with QEMM.

    But, most of the analog phone lines are gone now, switching to VoIP, so
    even the classic US Robotics Fax Modem likely doesn't work, even with the Classic Phone Tools program that came with the CD that had the drivers for
    the modem on it.

    But, the FAX/ARQ light is flashing, as if it's ready to accept calls.


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    ■ Synchronet ■ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Mike Powell to Daryl Stout on Fri Jul 24 14:35:14 2020

    Well, I wasn't sure if you could put the telnet address into the directory or not.

    You can if it is short enough. If there is an alternate port, you have to include that in the form of <telnet address><SPACE><port>. No colons.

    So, if I wanted to use it on my BBS, I'd enter tbolt.synchro.net 23 -- correct??

    Yes, if your virtual modem software supports it. You may not even need the 23 since that is the standard port, although it should not hurt to include it.

  • From Daryl Stout@TBOLT to Mike Powell on Fri Jul 24 19:51:00 2020

    So, if I wanted to use it on my BBS, I'd enter tbolt.synchro.net 23 -- correct??

    Yes, if your virtual modem software supports it. You may not even need the 23 since that is the standard port, although it should not hurt to include it.

    The thing is, I'm running Windows 10, and to my knowledge, it doesn't have
    a virtual modem, like OS/2 Warp does.


    ... I talk to myself when I need expert advice.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net