• Gustav Update

    From DARYL STOUT #1 @1501000*1@CAPCITY to ALL @*1 on Sun Aug 31 05:35:00 2008
    * Originally in: System Notic

    As per the latest advisories from the National Hurricane
    Center (www.nhc.noaa.gov), Hurricane Gustav is expected to
    slam into the northern Gulf Coast on Labor Day...with its
    remnants moving to near the Dallas/Fort Worth area Tuesday.

    Unfortunately, this puts Arkansas in the "dirty" part of
    the storm...the right front quadrant. Heavy, flooding rains...
    high winds...and tornadic thunderstorms appear likely from
    Tuesday through Friday across much of the region. Severe
    weather watches and warnings for these are likely to be
    issued this week. At this typing, hurricane warnings are
    in effect along the Gulf Coast.

    As a result, while it appears that the BBS will be up
    through Monday, it might not come back up again until
    sometime Saturday. If power or the high speed internet is
    interrupted, that outage could be longer. I will poll my
    hubs as soon as possible afterwards, to pick up back mail,
    but it may end up being sometime Saturday, if not next

    The amateur radio operators across the region, working
    with emergency and disaster communications, have been ramping
    up for a major hurricane landfall...the effects of which are
    not likely to go away anytime soon.

    After all, the climatological peak for the hurricane season
    is Sept. 10, and this year is proving to be no exception.
    Elsewhere in the tropics, Tropical Storm Hanna could end up
    threatening the southeast United States...especially from
    Florida to the Carolinas and beyond by later this week, or
    next week.

    My thoughts and prayers continue for all those that will
    be affected by the storms.

    Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Sysop

    *.. Climate is what we expect...weather is what we get.
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