• Future Of GT

    From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to ALL on Tue Jul 8 15:06:00 2008
    Just a quick note from Tom Watt...as for some reason, the post
    somehow didn't go out from my system...might be a glitch on my
    end <blush!>.

    Tom has posted this also at www.gtpowerbbs.com for those interested,
    and what is below is from there.


    "The source code, and all rights to GT Power have been transferred
    to Tom Watt in June of 2008!".

    "After working with the code over the July 4th weekend, I have made significant progress in compiling the cource code. This is the
    farthest tanyone has gotten with working with the source code, since
    Paul Meiners stopped development".

    "I am working to release a new version that is freeware, works
    properly under Windows 2000/XP/Vista, and is telnet capable".


    Tom has also noted that the first releases will be minor, with
    mainly cosmetic changes, but he will be getting with me on features,
    etc. that are mainly done with programs outside of GT. It will
    obviously take some time to implement, but I have volunteered to
    be a "guinea pig" for him...and am personally excited to potentially
    go back to the BBS software that I ran for 13 years...essentially,
    returning to my BBS roots.

    The new version will apparently be compatable with GT 19, the last
    release that Paul put out back in 1994...when he changed the user
    control and index files to handle more information...but it probably
    will not be compatable with prior versions of GT (18 and before).

    I realize that every Sysop runs a particular software, because they
    like its features...and my favorite of GT was the "command stacking"
    that one can do. That way, from the main menu, I could go direct to
    the desired message area, file area, bulletin area, or doorgame, and
    come right back to the main menu when done.

    Either Tom or myself will post things as developments come to
    fruition...but it is so refreshing to see this development with GT.
    And, through all this, many thanks has to be given to GT's original
    author, Paul Meiners...who created GT Power in the first place.

    Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Sysop
    The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From NEOFREE@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Tue Jul 8 23:15:00 2008
    I just wanted to add that tonight I was able to compile all the different versions of GT v19.00 (GT, GTO and the "A" versions of each) exactly as
    they were released to the public when Paul last released them. This is an update from the weekend, as it wasn't fully functional yet then. I'm
    focusing on cleaning up the release now that I am able to reproduce
    everything. A 19.01 version should be out shortly with one important
    change. It will be a Freeware version that does not have a delay/nag at
    the beginning.

    Look forward to this new hobby, hope a few others are able to enjoy it as
    I will.


    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to NEOFREE on Tue Jul 8 23:22:00 2008
    I just wanted to add that tonight I was able to compile all the different versions of GT v19.00 (GT, GTO and the "A" versions of each) exactly as
    they were released to the public when Paul last released them. This is an update from the weekend, as it wasn't fully functional yet then. I'm
    focusing on cleaning up the release now that I am able to reproduce everything. A 19.01 version should be out shortly with one important
    change. It will be a Freeware version that does not have a delay/nag at
    the beginning.


    I'm glad for the updates...and I'm looking forward to working with you
    on it.

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx