• Sunrise Doors Changes

    From DARYL STOUT@CAPCITY to ALL on Fri Aug 5 16:26:00 2005

    Since I'm the GT Power Network SmartFA distribution site for the
    Sunrise Doors by Al Lawrence, I thought I'd advise people of the
    following doors of his that are no longer available, supported, or registerable.

    If you previously registered one or more of these doors, you can
    still use it on your BBS. However, if you have these online for
    download from your BBS file area, it'd be wise to delete them.

    ACNFN28.ZIP 82705 10-01-99 Automated Network-Conference Listing 2.8.

    CIDCHK10.ZIP 97310 10-01-99 CIDCHECK - Caller ID Validation Door 1.0

    GAPCNF10.ZIP 82582 10-01-99 GAP Automated Network-Conf Listing 1.0.

    INUSE10.ZIP 100670 10-01-99 INUSE 1.0 - Door In Use Monitor 1.0

    # Synchronet # The Thunderbolt BBS - wx1der.dyndns.org

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (7:10/22.0)

    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT on Sat May 10 05:20:00 2008
    │ Since I'm the GT Power Network SmartFA distribution site for the
    │ Sunrise Doors by Al Lawrence, I thought I'd advise people of the
    │ following doors of his that are no longer available, supported, or
    │ registerable.

    Are any of the DOS doors still registerable? I've a few I'd consider registering, if they are.


    ##MMR 2.61ß. !link DS 08-05-05 17:26
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From DARYL STOUT #1 @1501000*1@CAPCITY to MIKE POWELL @QWKNET*10 on Mon May 12 11:32:00 2008

    Are any of the DOS doors still registerable? I've a few I'd consider registering, if they are.

    Quite a few are, actually...and all of these are available from my BBS. You can dial-up to 501-224-0915, or go to wx1der.dyndns.org (telnet or web browser),
    and go to the file areas to get these...look for BBS programs and doorgames. Guest Logons are automatic on the website, and you choose the Guest Logon option on the dial-up or telnet connection, to get to the areas without having to enter any user data.

    Unfortunately, more stormy weather is forecast here Tuesday into Friday of this week, so if the BBS doesn't respond either via dial-up, telnet, or web... it may be down for thunderstorms. You can go to the National Weather Service Little Rock Website at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/lzk for details.

    1) Doug Rhea at www.bbsfiles.com , has many of the legacy BBS doors on
    his website, with most of the vanity keys for $5 each. Doug is doing
    mainly cosmetic changes to the doors, but no real upgrades, per se.

    There is a FREE COPY key for bbsfiles.com supplied with the door, but
    the vanity key fee, in most cases, is considerably less than what the cost for registering the door was originally.

    2) Al Lawrence, at www.sunrisedoors.com , has his doors available for registration, and he also has "package deals". Four of his doors are freeware...Cribbage, Cryptograms, The 50 States, and Adopt A Door; but you have to fill out a form on his website so the registration codes can be emailed to you.

    Cribbage is also InterBBS capable...but participating systems, whether
    they run one or all of the Sunrise Doors InterBBS doors, pay a yearly participation fee ($16.95 as of Jan. 1, 2008). Al still is supporting
    his software. In most cases, his door prices are 50% less than what they
    were at one time.

    3) Steve Hansen, at www.ultrasoftdoors.com , has his doors available for registration, and he still supports his software.

    4) Nannette Thacker, at www.shiningstar.net/bbsdoors , has all 12 of
    her doors (3 of which (Moonchat, Phantom Of The Catacombs, and The County
    Fair) are also Legend Of The Red Dragon IGMs) available for a grand total
    of $10. No further support or upgrades are offered.

    5) Mike Jordan, made his doors freeware awhile back, but I don't know
    if he is still around...the last email I had was mjordan@europa.com --
    one just requested free keys from him via email.

    6) Dave Perry, has 5 ham radio freeware doors, but they don't have a
    fossil driver with them.

    The Worked All States door and the VHF Packet Door require the Sysop
    and the users accessing them to be licensed amateur radio operators. However, the QRZ Callsign Search Door, the Ham Radio Bulletins Door, and the Part 97 Rules and Regulations Door, don't require a ham radio license to use. In
    fact, I've used the Ham Radio Bulletins Door in other applications, such as:

    a) BBS Information Door

    b) Ham Radio Glossary Door

    c) Weather Information Door

    d) Weather Glossary Door

    I have the needed information files for the ham radio and weather glossary doors over here, that I prepared myself. Also, with version 31 of the QRZ Callsign CD, you have to burn the CALLBK directory and the QRZ.EXE program
    from the QRZDOOR.ZIP file to a separate CD, for it to work. For the weather information door, I capture the data from the National Weather Service
    website, then manually edit and import it.

    7) Andy Stewart, made his DreamWare doors freeware awhile back, with the DRMREG31.ZIP utility.

    8) Dave Wendling, made his N.U.G.I. doors freeware awhile back, with the NUGIREG.ZIP utility.

    All of these will run on a dial-up or non-fossil driver BBS. To use under
    a telnet BBS, there are some things to note:

    A) The door must have a fossil driver to work.

    B) If it does not have a fossil driver, it will work on Synchronet 3.13a or later, with the SBBSEXEC.ZIP comport emulator utility (it fools the door thinking that it's on comport 1, although comports are basically "ignored" under telnet).

    C) With a special VScript Workaround, and the Doorway program (DRWY231.ZIP) (which was originally done by Marshall Dudley, now done by Mike Ehlert at www.pcmicro.com), most of these can be made to work under Virtual Advanced. Unregistered, Doorway only allows 10 minutes of usage each time, before it exits.

    D) I have not been able to get the DreamWare doors, or the Ultrasoft doors
    to work under Virtual Advanced. I use NetFoss as my fossil driver.

    E) I do not know if these will run under GT with telnet under OS/2, as which
    is what you're running.

    If you need assistance on any of these, just let me know.


    *.. Re-experience the Classic Ads Of Burma Shave on this BBS.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ The Thunderbolt-AR,USA / wx1der.dydns.org / 1-501-224-0915 ---
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From MIKE POWELL@CAPCITY to DARYL STOUT #1 @1501000*1 on Sat Jun 21 14:11:00 2008
    │ If you need assistance on any of these, just let me know.

    wow, thanks! I will have to check some of these links out. I did get some
    of Al's Sunrise doors registered already. I found his page on the web
    shortly after I asked about it here.


    ##MMR 2.61ß. !link DS 5-12-08 12:32
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx