• My intro

    From GEORGE POPE@CAPCITY to ALL & SUNDRY on Wed May 11 17:41:00 2022
    Hello, all!

    I'm new tothis BBS, but extremnely old to BBSing in general -- I was
    putting in about 30-32 hours/day online in my hey days in the mid-1990s (twcomputers running at once, forthose questio0ning the number)

    I was know hthe world over dueto thereach of Fidonet & Familynet, in both
    I was a moderaror/echo owner, of a funny/houmor echo. (one PG, one

    Hmm, tough getting used to a lineerditor again!

    I'm a mArried with children old man on tyhewest coat of Canada, just
    outside Vancouver (Olympics 2010, & aco0pule of Stanley Cup hockey riots
    -- I had nothing to do with either event type!)

    I volunteerr in my commuburt, in areas benefitting the poor, the disabled,
    and seniors, mainly. I also work in thegreater communjity by workingon influemcing elected folks at the higher branches of goverbnment
    (somesuccess provincuially, one yet federally) :(

    Currently I don't do much n myspare time --collrecting bopoks & toprrents linninje mostly, & chatting on Fido, BBSes, etc. :) I read, watch
    TV(downloaded version os of my fave shows, so no ads)

    I was hanging ojn Facebook like many, then realized I just did not likethesetup/formast & then remembered that I really loved theBBS era
    (before Y2K killed it), so Iu emailed a buddy of mine wgho srtill operates
    a BBS here, & he referred me to another local sysop who'sd been constabtly
    up as a BBS for 30+ years, & that's where I trecomnmected with Fido & my
    olod echo (FUNNY Jokes and Stories -- check us out) & discivewreed
    SyncTerm & its preloaded dialing directory for telnet BBSes & checked
    acoupole out, nowechecking out others I've discovered cvia Fidomet,
    incuding one of a mate I knew bacj when, wehb I dialed in to his board ikn
    the Deep South from up here in Vamncouver, using DOS (DOS ISR GUT!!!)

    & got back into LORD2 (I helped beta test it originally, before it'as
    public release); &, of course, I'm experrienced in LORD, too -- I play
    therse now, & various mind challenging games (word ghames, logic games,
    sopme cvard or dice games)

    I'm a kick-arse Texas Holdem player, in RL, but haven'tthe stake to turn
    it into a career yet -- so just play for fun i local games or on
    Pokerstars. . .

    Ok, your ruyrn -- write bsack, sya hi, & whereyou're at & wjhat you do
    (&/or refuse to do), what you are & who you are that with. . . [*your
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